Published Documents
Please note that paper copies of all documents and all information on the website can be provided on request.
Please email for assistance.
Attendance and Punctuality Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Examinations Policy including Access Arrangements Appendix
Funding Agreement
Health and Safety Policy (Engineering)
Health and Safety Policy (Science)
Mobile Phone and Wireless EarPhone Policy
Protected Disclosure (Whistleblowing)
Provider Access Policy Statement
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 24-25
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Suspension and Exclusion Policy
Supporting Students with Medical Conditions
Special Educational Needs
Details of Northamptonshire’s Local Offer, detailing services for children and young people in Northamptonshire (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities can be found here.
Financial Accounts