Silverstone UTC and its curriculum have been developed in partnership with a wide range of leading businesses and employers throughout the area. Thanks to this mutually beneficial partnership, we are able to offer unique workplace opportunities to students which will allow them to gain both skills and experience in their chosen industry.

Employers will also be fully engaged by providing students at the UTC access to work on real-life work projects for their respective businesses.  This provides excellent work experience options for students at state-of-the-art companies at the forefront of British industry. 

Here are some of the companies we have either worked with, or are currently working with, or who have employed some of our alumni: 


Calling All Employers and Training Providers, Help Us to Help You

We know that employers in the UK and in our region have concerns about skills gaps and the work-readiness of some young people. Silverstone UTC is a member of the SEMLEP Careers and Enterprise Network, part of the national Careers and Enterprise Company programme.

Our aim is that through employer engagement at all ages, we ensure that young people leave our school with the skills, competencies, knowledge, appropriate qualifications and attitudes needed by employers for both their own career development and economic sustainability and growth.

We Need Your Help

Here at Silverstone UTC, we are keen to give our students every opportunity to access the world of work, and with this in mind we welcome employers, industry representatives and training providers to make contact with us to support our students in their journey to employability.

We are looking for passionate employers from businesses and other organisations to help our students and thus shape the future workforce and bring the world of work to life for the next generation.

The following high impact activities are used to work in partnership with businesses to help our students prepare for the world of work:

  • Hosting work place visits
  • Delivering careers / employability talks
  • Hosting work experience placements
  • Mentoring
  • Enterprise competitions
  • Giving CV writing advice
  • Interview preparation – mock interviews

If you are able to support activities within schools to help students to develop employability skills, please contact the named Careers Leader below.

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