Young people often face a variety of ever changing problems and pressures as they progress through education. We can’t pretend that these things are not happening and neither can they. We aim to maintain open communication about the risks they may be taking and the pressures that they may feel. By working together we can help our students to focus on their future goals, stay positive and stay on track to make the most of their future.

At Silverstone UTC our PSHCE curriculum follows the government guidelines as well as additional support from external agencies/companies to cover topics including; sex education, drugs and alcohol, online safety, relationships and healthy living. All set appropriately for the Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 year groups. We understand that this may not always present as an approachable platform for all students who may be seeking or need additional support to help their emotional well-being, behaviour and learning.

It is important to us that our students are supported even when they are not in college, so we’ve put together this list of useful organisations and contacts.

Report a Concern

NHS Direct Online Health Advice
Student Health (Health Advice for Students, Written by Doctors) 
Travel Health (Health Advice for Travelling Abroad)
BEAT (Eating Disorders Advice)

Sexual Health
Brook (Contraception/STI’s Advice)
Family Planning Association (Information, Advice and Support for sexual health, sex and relationships and emergency contraceptives.) 

Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs
Talk to Frank (Drugs Advice)
NGAGE with Aquarius (Early intervention drug and alcohol service for young people aged 10-18 in Northamptonshire)
Drink Helpline – 0800 917 8282
Smoke Free (Smoking Advice/Guidance) 

Mental Health
Mind - 0300 123 3393
National Self-Harm Network 
Coping with Self-Harm
Young Minds - 0808 802 5544
Kooth (Help, advice and support with anything that’s causing you stress, hardship or embarrassment) 
Samaritans - 08457 90 90 90 
Time to Change (Talk about Mental Health) 

Stress Management   
Support Line (Emotional Support and Information on Exam Stress) - 01708 765200
Stress – How to Cope Factsheet

Revision Tips 
GCSE Revision Tips
A-Level Revision Tips 

Bullying, Violence and Abuse
Bullying (Bullying Advice) - 0808 800 2222
Child Line - 0800 1111
NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) - 0808 800 5000
Victim Support Line (Help After Suffering from Crime) - 0845 3030 900
Rape Crisis (Specialist services for women and girls that have been raped or experienced another form of sexual violence)
The Hideout (Domestic Abuse)

Internet Safety
NCC Internet Safety
Online Safety
Supporting Young People Online

Support for Parents
Service Six (a specialist provider of outcome based professional therapeutic support, diversionary and activity services for thousands of hard-to-reach disadvantaged children, young people, adults and families.) - 01933 277520 
Parent Info


We are supplying these details in order that you are aware of who may be able to help you with your concerns or issues. We must point out that we cannot make recommendations about the quality or relevance of support which is offered by these organisations as each set of circumstances is unique to you.

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