Below are rules that are set in place for all candidates taking exams. They should also take time to read the Exam Board Regulations.

  1. Students are to follow UTC dress code throughout the exam period
  2. Please ensure that you are outside the examination room 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam. Morning exams start at 9:30am and afternoon exams start at 1:30pm. (Exams will normally be located in the Lecture Theatre and 2T4/3)
  3. Always bring the appropriate equipment with you: Black pens only for writing, pencil, ruler, eraser and any other specialist equipment that you are advised to bring such as a calculator for Maths/Engineering/Science. This is your responsibility and these will not be supplied by the UTC. Highlighter pens can be used on question papers but not on your answer sheets or scripts. Your pencil cases MUST be transparent
  4. Mobile phones or any technology/web enable sources of information are NOT allowed into ANY examination room, nor are watches OF ANY KIND. Possession of any prohibited item will lead to disqualification, whether they are switched off or not when found. They must be switched off and handed to the invigilator before entering the examination room. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they do not have any prohibited items in their possession in the exam rooms
  5. You will not be allowed to leave the examination room until the end of the exam you are taking unless you are ill or need to go to the toilet, in which case you will have to be accompanied
  6. To attract the attention of an invigilator during the exam, raise your arm and someone will come to you, silence should be maintained throughout the exam
  7. If any student causes a disturbance they will be removed from the exam and their paper will be cancelled
  8. If you are going to be late for an exam please phone the school as soon as possible. If you arrive late you may or may not be allowed to take the exam
  9. If you are unwell on the day of the exam you MUST obtain a doctor’s note
  10. Students are allocated a candidate number which will identify you for all exams and will be on your place card on your table

Our examinations policy and examinations appeals policies can be viewed or downloaded using the links below:

Examinations Policy Including Access Arrangements

Examinations Appeals Policy

Produced on behalf of: AQA, City and Guilds, CCEA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC

Information for Candidates – On-Screen Tests

Information for Candidates – Written Exams

Information for Candidates – Non Examination Assessments

Information for Candidates – Coursework

No Mobile Phones Poster

Warning to Candidates

Notice to Candidates – Fair Processing

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