On the day of each exam seating plans will be displayed on the Exams Noticeboard (at Reception) and also outside of each venue. This will allow you find the correct venue, prior to the start of the exams.

We ask you arrive 15 minutes before the start time shown. Exams will begin when the majority of students are present. We may not be able to admit candidates who are late. It is particularly important that you listen carefully to all the instructions given by invigilators, and that you follow these to the letter.

Morning exams will start at: 9:30am Afternoon exams will start at: 13:30pm

On entering the exam venue you must follow the regulations of the examination. You must not communicate in any way with, ask for help from or give help to another candidate while you are in the exam room. If you have a question for the invigilators you must raise your hand to attract their attention. You must not disturb other candidates once you have entered the examination room.

You must know your four-digit candidate number, as shown on your timetable. A candidate component label, containing your legal name, candidate number, centre number, component code and tier of entry (where applicable) will be placed on your exam desk. Please ensure that you are seated at the correct desk, with the correct candidate label. Please check that your details are correct.

Bring everything you may need to each exam including at least two BLACK pens. You should bring a calculator if you wish to use one with the lid removed and memory cleared. Fill in the front of your exam question paper in BLACK ink. Make sure you fill these details in on any additional answer booklets you may use. You may bring a clear bottle of water, with the label removed. Please place these on the floor and not on your exam desk.

Mobile phones, MP3/4 players and watches must not be taken into any exam venue. It is your responsibility to leave any of these items in a safe place outside the exam room. Having any such device in your possession is a serious breach of regulations, and will lead to the loss of marks for the unit concerned at the very least. There will be a facility to hand anything in for safekeeping – you will be advised on the day of exams. Please ensure the above items are switched off and placed securely in your bag.

Please ensure that the Exams Officer is notified by 8:30am on the morning of an exam of any reason for non-attendance by emailing; the Self Certification form will be provided in response to this. Please ensure it is completed and returned, with any relevant evidence, within one week of the absence.

Please check your school email address regularly. Last minute changes to arrangements may be necessary and these may be communicated to you by email, particularly once study leave has started.

Exams Officer

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